This course is designed to provide the student with the information necessary to prevent back-injury while performing their job, completing home projects, or participating in recreational activities.

 Through a program of lecture, video and demonstration the student will learn to recognize the potential dangers and causes of back injury.  The student will also learn the essential principles and mechanics of lifting, as well as the impact of lifestyle issues such as diet and exercises on their will being in the workplace and at home.

 Course content focuses on injury prevention and will give the student an understanding of the basics of:

  •  Physiology – How the back functions 
  • Proper lifting techniques
  1.  Balance
  2.  Position of load
  3. Lower body and leg action
  4.  Posture
  5. Physical support (i.e., belts, braces, etc.)
  6.  Special concerns/dangers


  • Exercise, diet and physical fitness 

 ©AAESI / Updated 5/07